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Continuous cooling crystallization system


OSLO continuous crystallization device

Continuous cooling crystallization system

DTB continuous crystallization device

Continuous cooling crystallization system

The continuous cooling crystallization process is a complex heat and mass transfer process. After years of engineering experience and data regression, our company has optimized the continuous cooling crystallization process for various materials and achieved good operational results. We are committed to promoting domestic industrial continuous cooling crystallization technology and improving the production efficiency of cooling crystallization.
Our company has the most advanced and mature sodium sulfate freeze crystallization technology and engineering experience in China, especially accounting for more than 90% of the lithium hydroxide freeze precipitation saltpeter project in the lithium salt industry.
Our application examples:
Sodium sulfate cooling crystallization system
Ammonium chloride cooling crystallization system
Potassium alum cooling crystallization system
Cooling crystallization system for iminodiacetic acid
Sodium ascorbate cooling crystallization system
Magnesium sulfate cooling crystallization system

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