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Wastewater evaporator

In the industrial production process, a large amount of wastewater is generated, which is characterized by high salt content, complex composition, high COD, odor, and significant component fluctuations. Such wastewater cannot be directly treated by biochemical methods. Wastewater evaporator is designed specifically for the characteristics of wastewater from different industries, optimizing the internal structure of the evaporator and pipeline settings. The evaporator has high operational flexibility, strong corrosion resistance, and good anti clogging performance.

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In the industrial production process, a large amount of wastewater is generated, which is characterized by high salt content, complex composition, high COD, odor, and significant component fluctuations. Such wastewater cannot be directly treated by biochemical methods. Wastewater evaporator is designed specifically for the characteristics of wastewater from different industries, optimizing the internal structure of the evaporator and pipeline settings. The evaporator has high operational flexibility, strong corrosion resistance, and good anti clogging performance.
Wastewater evaporators are generally forced circulation evaporators, with the most commonly used being triple effect evaporators. Depending on the material characteristics, they can be used in co current, countercurrent, or mixed flow.
Wastewater evaporators are suitable for industries such as pesticide, steel mills, coal chemical, power, and petrochemical. Different designs are required for wastewater generated by different industries and processes to achieve optimal utilization effects.

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